Coburg Badge

Coburg Badge

Product Details

The Coburg Badge was awarded to participants in the “Battle of Coburg” on Oct. 14-15, 1922. The badge was instituted by Hitler 10 years later, on Oct. 14, 1932, and was further enshrined as an official party decoration on Nov. 6, 1936. In 1922, Hitler had been invited to a patriotic rally at Coburg, where he showed up with a large contingent of SA Stormtroopers. The result was bloody street fighting with the local communists, in which the Nazis prevailed. The inscription advises that the recipient was “With Hitler in Coburg,” and includes the dates 1922 and 1932, commemorating the dates of the rally and the institution of the badge. The badge was worn on the left breast pocket of the party uniform.